Platelet-Rich Plasma

Platelet-Rich Plasma

Discover the future of healing with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy—an advanced, scientifically-backed treatment for rapid injury recovery and pain relief. PRP Therapy employs a concentration of your own platelets, drawn from a simple blood sample and enriched through centrifugation, to accelerate tissue repair and alleviate pain. These platelets, rich in growth factors and proteins, are then injected into the affected area to turbocharge the body’s natural healing process. Ideal for treating stubborn injuries, chronic tissue degradation, osteoarthritis, and tendon issues, PRP offers a proven, cutting-edge approach to accelerated healing and long-term relief.

Orthopedic conditions effectively treated with PRP therapy include:

Orthopedic conditions effectively treated with PRP therapy include:

Knee pain-TOSM-Treatment






Shoulder pain-Tosm-treatment


Are there any side effects or risks associated with PRP therapy?
Are there any side effects or risks associated with PRP therapy?

PRP therapy is generally safe, as it utilizes the patient’s own blood components, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or disease transmission. However, like any injection procedure, there is a slight chance of infection, bleeding, or nerve injury.

PRP therapy can be used in conjunction
with other treatments
PRP therapy can be used in conjunction with other treatments

PRP therapy can be combined with other treatments such as shock wave therapy. It may be used in conjunction with regenerative medicine treatment to enhance recovery from orthopedic conditions. The specific combination of treatments will depend on your condition and should be discussed with your orthopedic surgeon.

PRP therapy is different from corticosteroid injections
PRP therapy is different from corticosteroid injections

PRP therapy and corticosteroid injections are utilized for pain and inflammation management. Corticosteroids offer temporary relief by suppressing inflammation, while PRP therapy aims to promote long-term healing by stimulating the body’s natural tissue repair and regeneration processes.

PRP Therapy FAQ


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): PRP therapy is a form of regenerative medicine that uses your body’s platelets to promote healing and reduce pain. It involves extracting a sample of your blood, spinning it in a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting this platelet-rich plasma into the area of injury or pain. Several platelet derived growth factors stimulate healing, reduce inflammation, and accelerate tissue repair. Multiple scientific studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of PRP in treating orthopedic conditions, such as osteoarthritis and tendon injuries.

In orthopedic treatment, PRP therapy utilizes the healing potential of platelets, which are blood components abundant in growth factors. By releasing these growth factors at the injury site, PRP therapy stimulates tissue repair and regeneration. Consequently, it facilitates healing, while also diminishing pain.

The timeline for seeing results from PRP therapy can vary depending on the severity of the injury and the individual patient. Some patients may begin to see improvement in symptoms within a few weeks, while others may take up to several months.

The injection of PRP can cause some discomfort, but this is typically brief. The pain may be relieved with local anesthesia. Some patients may experience pain or soreness at the injection site for a few days following the procedure. It can be relieved with acetaminophen.

Schedule a consultation for PRP therapy
Schedule a consultation for PRP therapy

You can schedule a consultation for PRP therapy by calling our office at 561.898.0303 or filling out the online appointment request form. Our orthopedic specialist will be happy to discuss your condition and determine whether PRP therapy is a suitable treatment option for you.

Coverage for PRP varies by insurance provider and plan. It’s important to check with your insurance company to determine whether PRP therapy is covered under your specific plan.

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